About Us   

~ Activating & Unleashing The Greatness in People ~


#1 -Greatness is the practice of channeling massive beneficial Value in the world in a very short period of time.

#2 - With a high enough level of "Awareness and Mastery" ... all people are capable of channeling massive value and demonstrating Greatness.

#3 - Currently ... approximately 99% of people in the world are suffering from some degree of Value-Constipation ... the main symptom are low levels of business and personal cashflow.

#4 - There is a special ... 0.01% group... of disruptive, innovative, out-of the box, heart-centered, humanitarian, entrepreneurial beings ... known as the ChangeAngels" ... who are incarnated in this Life for the specific purpose of activating and unleashing the Value that is constipated in self and others..

Business Mission

#1 - Developing and marketing the world's most advanced collection of Mastery-Tools, Mastery-Distinctions, and Mastery-Practices that ChangeAngels can use for "Activating and Unleashing The Greatness In People".

#2 - Locating, assembling and activating a "critical mass" of 144K

Change Angels who's life's purpose is about channelling massive beneficial changes in the world.

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